What is a SuperTaster?  

Some of our customers have let us know they can detect a taste when incorporating withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen into their daily beverage. Our product is unflavoured and we do not mask it with additives, flavours, colours etc., and we were surprised to learn a few customers could detect a taste in their lemon water.  

withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen is the highest grade of ingestible collagen available. Our high quality, premium-select grade marine collagen is devoid of impurities. Lower quality collagen sources such as animal bone/skin or fish skin can contain more impurities which results in a yellow colour, and a strong unpleasant taste and smell.

Ultra-Pure withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen is virtually tasteless and odourless, and can be added into hot or cold beverages such as coffee, tea, juices, smoothies, and lemon water. We do not compromise the quality of our product by using lower quality, less expensive sources of collagen such as bovine, porcine, avian, shellfish, or fish skin. We also stay clear of using heat, acids and chemicals when producing withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen.

A SuperTaster is someone that has a very sensitive taste palate. 
“SuperTasters” experience heightened sensations from food and beverages. They are extra sensitive to bitter tastes, textures, carbonation, and spices. SuperTasters are believed to have an anatomical and biological basis for their elevated taste response. Scientists have shown that different areas on the tongue map to different taste sensations - bitter, sweet, salty, sour, and savoury (umami) all have their place on the tongue. Having more taste buds corresponds to a greater gustatory response in SuperTasters. Though SuperTasters are fortunate to have a heightened gustatory experience, they can be more sensitive and overwhelmed by flavours that others do not detect.

When a customer has an aversion to the taste of our product, it is from the amino acids - not the fish. The raw materials (fish scales) used to produce our collagen are broken down to amino acid chains (bi and tri-peptides), and the properties, including flavour and smell are no longer present.  

Kaitlin Hargreaves has been a customer for many years (she was also is Jillian Harris’ personal makeup artist) - she is also a supertaster! Her partner, Keith, takes our product regularly and does not detect any taste. Kaitlin was determined to find a way to incorporate withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen into her daily regimen and reached out to us. We were, of course, more than happy to assist. 

Kaitlin visited the withinUs office, long with her partner, Keith. We made Kaitlin (and Keith) a few fool-proof, keto-friendly recipes for her sensitive taste palate. 

Please find the following Kaitlin approved recipes (she could not detect the collagen), and find out which one is her favourite! 



  1. Dissolve 1 scoop (5g) of withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen into 2 tbsp of hot water and let sit for 10 minutes
  2. Fill a tall glass with ice and water
  3. Add TruMarine collagen + hot water mixture into the tall glass and stir
  4. Squeeze half a lemon
  5. Enjoy!
Lemon Water + Collagen



  1. Add one scoop withinUs™ Matcha Misto + Collagen
  2. Add one scoop withinUs™ Coconut Creamer + Collagen 
  3. Add hot water (not boiling)
  4. Stir & Enjoy!
  • Kaitlin also loved adding our dairy-free coconut creamer into her coffee. This was one of her favourites. 


    1. Dissolve 1 scoop (5g) of withinUs TruMarine™ Collagen into 2 tbsps of hot water and let sit for 10 minutes
    2. Prepare green tea (we use loose leaf green tea leaves)
    3. Fill a tall glass with ice and pour in green tea
    4. Add in collagen + hot water mixture and stir
    5. Squeeze half lemon
    6. Enjoy!




    1. Add the following ingredients to your blender:
    • 2 scoops of withinUs™ Coconut Creamer + TruMarine Collagen
    • Half a scoop (2.5g) of withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen
    • 1 tbsp almond butter
    • 2 Cups frozen strawberries
    • Water (enough for preferred consistency)
         2. Blend until smooth 
         3. Enjoy!  


    Strawberry Collagen Smoothie

    Do you have any favourite ways to incorporate withinUs™ TruMarine® Collagen into your daily routine? Share them with us below, we'd love to hear from you!


    withinUs Team 

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